We live in the land of choice and opportunity…don’t we? When I go to the store, or the market I am bombarded by options. Different stalls, different shelves, different products. I have to make choices based on colours, flavours, ingredients and prices. And sometimes it’s just all a bit too much.
I know what the media and marketing ads tell me about what I should eat, shouldn’t eat…and then of course there comes the big issue of taste. So why is it so hard to truly eat healthy with my family when there are so many options out there?
In my experience working with families and children, there are 5 key reasons why Aussie families find it challenging to get healthy snack options for themselves and their children, and I hope to alleviate them all!
- Lack of knowledge – you just don’t know what you don’t know
- Mislead and misguided – modern marketing is great at misleading consumers with hype terms and words like ‘super foods’ you must eat, but don’t completely understand why
- Confused – with so many options, so many messages, and so many ingredients to look out for…it can be really confusing.
- Reluctant to change actions – when you’ve eaten a certain way for so long, it’s really hard to start making changes, especially when it comes to your family habits.
- Getting out of the comfort zone and being challenged – trying new things can be daunting, and challenging yourself and your family to eat in a new way can be scary but also can be liberating and truly rewarding!
It’s too easy to ignore and disconnect with the hard facts with all the marketing noise. But actually it is so important not to get desensitised and distracted by it.
Be sure to follow brands and organisations that align with your values and can offer you the information and options your family needs.
Many times we make contradictions with consumption when it comes to our values and our food choices –but we urge you to seek knowledge and the truth so your family can be stronger and healthier in the long run.
And lastly, be strong minded and independent – set an example and be the person you look up to and others strive to be – a leader!
At The Tropical Fruit Tribe, we aim to shine the light on issues surrounding health, food, consumption and complex toxic ingredients and their effects in a simple, fun, entertaining way.
We provide a different perspective to help understanding on all levels from big kids to small kids, so be sure to check out our recipes and our fun kids zone with heaps of activities to engage your children on a different level with food!